Monday, December 10, 2012

Craft Marketing - Get Your RSS in Gear!

Good craft marketing can make an enormous difference to your business. To separate "marketing" from "selling", lets call marketing the stuff you do to communicate with your potential customers. It's not a precise description for those who are picky about these things, but it'll do for us I think.

With the internet you have opportunity to market to a global audience, but how exactly are you going to do that? How are you going to benefit from the massive potential?

One way is by running a craft blog. They're easy to start, fun to run and visitors love them. Done properly they'll also rank very well in the search engines, often outranking craft sites that have been established much longer or those which might appear much bigger.

So particularly when you're starting to sell your crafts online, when you're just getting into craft marketing, a blog is a very valuable tool to have at your disposal.

One small, but extremely effective part of your craft blog's armory is RSS (Really Simple Syndication). Sadly many people don't actually understand what this is and so fail to take advantage. That's a shame, because RSS really is simple! Here's how it works.

If you're anything like me you probably visit a number of different craft blogs. It's quite time consuming to visit each one and if there's nothing of interest we just move on to the next. Putting them in your favorites reduces the time, but sometimes we just don't bother to visit because we don't have the time or inclination.

What if we could go to just one page though, where we could see a run down of the latest posts from all our favorite craft blogs? That would be quick, wouldn't it. Then you could just visit those who actually had stuff you were interested in. Great idea!

Well that's exactly what RSS does and that's why it's important to your craft marketing. People might visit your blog every so often, but if you get them to subscribe to your RSS (otherwise known as RSS feed) then they can check up on your news quickly and easily.

Now it might be argued that it would be better if they came by your blog - which is true - but you have to accept that most people aren't going to do that with any regularity. It's also a good idea to have a newsletter so you can get in touch and market to them directly (more on that in another article).

However, good craft marketing means taking advantage of every opportunity to get your message in front of your potential customer and RSS is not only fast and easy but once set up requires no further involvement from you - it automatically sends out new post information every time you write one!

Enhancing Your Article Marketing Strategy Through RSS Feeds   What is RSS and How Can it Help Your Marketing?   What is RDF & How RSS Changed   RSS - What it is and Why It's Great   New eBook Reveals How to Massively Increase RSS Subscribers   

What is the Goal of Being an RSS Feed Publisher?

Often in today's extremely busy and at times frantic online lives we get distracted from our goals. Another side effect of this is that it can sometimes make it difficult to find out things about new only hobbies or side projects you may want to run. I know when I first heard about RSS Feed publishing, I didn't really know what it was. Having spent a couple weeks searching on various sites I've gotten it down to a pretty simple definition.

RSS Feed publishing isn't as confusing as it might initially sound. If you want to be a publisher, you have to remember that you are syndicating the news or information that you are sharing because you are making it available to multiple sources all at one time. These sources are your feed subscribers. They are looking for specifically content that you have to share. They can then from there republish your content on their websites, emails, or other forms on communications giving you a boarder audience to reach.

An easier way to think of this is as if your pages being articles in a newspaper. Other newspapers want to share what you have to write, so they syndicate your newspaper articles. They take your web content and share it, at no additional cost to you. The benefit of that is that you can have your information published in a very wide net that can begin to establish you as a well known author for a specific topic and gain valuable market space if you want to use it for sales reasons. You can also use it to drive traffic to your websites if you want to generate traffic relative revenue as well. There benefits vary, but they are all benefits that are easy and free. This makes RSS Feed publishing a very attractive thing to just about any web master. We look forward to sharing our future articles with you that will go into RSS Feed submission in more depth.

Enhancing Your Article Marketing Strategy Through RSS Feeds   What is RSS and How Can it Help Your Marketing?   What is RDF & How RSS Changed   The Work at Home Women RSS Feed - What is it, What Does it Do, and Why Do I Need it?   All About RSS - Rich Site Summary   What's an RSS Feed?   

Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005

Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries. Mike BuRec said recently that even if this winter has a snow pack of 20 feet we will not be back to normal levels. American Falls is at only 14% capacity. Palisades is at 12% and Jackson Lake is at 65%, but remember fires take water too. Water in the rivers and reservoirs is important for many reasons, and realize that 2/3 of all fresh trout worldwide come from Magic Valley South Central Idaho and Snake River. The Shoshone Falls are 212 feet high,


higher than Niagara Falls and has often been called the Niagara Falls of the West. If water situations get too bad and not adequate snow pack in 03-04. We had heard of talk from David McAlindin of the City of Twin Falls Economic Development Dept.

that he felt comfortable that the water situation is safe and supply good for businesses. They are working hard to help diversify the industries and recruit non-agriculture, cleaner industries. The region grows all kinds of important food items. Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Dairy, Alphalfa, Sheep, Beef, Hay, Grain, Wine, Beans, Wheat, barley, Sweet Corn, Grass Seed, Oats. They need the water. The supply is said to be better than was predicted or feared and that there is more than enough for summer, but this leaves little to spare in case of a mild winter.

The water supply contains arsenic, from natural erosion and also from previous chip manufacturing, Barium, Chromium, Fluoride and Nitrate from excessive fertilizer run off. These are at present levels not in violation, but the NPDES permitting is going into harsher BMPs and enforcement and has caused a few companies, which do food processing to be unable to get permits, costing future jobs; Glandia Foods, Inc. in Gooding.

The local Senators are working on Ethanol to help out and that initiative could be great for ID. McDonalds has been hit by economy and adverse PR from that Bull shit law suit in Canada about people getting fat from eating at Mickey Ds. Recently McDonalds has also called for lessening of Antibiotics, steroids and other growth hormones, which is a little bit of an issue for farmers, since right now with the Beef, Mad Cow, moratorium in Canada some of those cattle come from ID as well as the milk and ID is a huge Dairy State in the Southern area. Learn about the importance of the Dairy industry in the US and in Southern ID;

[] .

Also hurt by the economy and fewer people going out to eat at QSRs, Restaurants are Kraft Foods, McCain Foods (125 people laid off), J.R. Simplot, which closed the Heyburn potato plant and laid off another 50 people at another processing plant. These companies collectively laying off a total of 600 people in the region. Also blamed are the war in Iraq and lessened travel. Paper is a big water user also and Boise Cascade has had other issues with economic issues. Dairy is up about 6-10% over the last year why? Could it be the increase in Starbucks (6000 plus locations) and the crème and milk in the Frappachinos using milk? Yes some is. Also of worry is the NM Case law regarding the minnows and Rio Grande and Heron reservoir, such an issue with low water levels in Idaho would be the same as the Sarbain Oxley issues in the Corporate World, it would be catastrophic for agriculture in South Central Idaho. But all in all things have been good and have had a net gain even with the bad news. Dell has hired 700 people in nine months in Twin Falls. Also hiring have been Home Depot. We talked to a fiber optic multi-plex line installer who could not seem to get a job in his profession and therefore Home Depot gave him a lower level job at $12.00 per hour.

A waste of brain capacity no doubt but certainly enough to live with the cost of living in Twin Falls which is low due to power and water prices really inexpensive. Twin Falls, Jerome and Gooding had substantial growth in housing. One thing that may hurt the area is the move to try to get seniors out of their cars. Elderly are super worried about losing their drivers licensing, it can be a traumatic experience rivaling a lost loved one, meaning their freedom is gone, some would rather just die, it is that serious as I have discussed with many seasoned seniors. They will not be moving into the Gooding Golf Course areas if this persists. But the area is growing. A few of the outskirt cities are not fairing as well. Burley had a recent “Crazy Days” and Regatta Jet Boat Races, which is a good tourist draw to help locals, non-profits and retailers. All in all we saw a lot of good stuff; ISU-Idaho State University is putting in a 50K dollar nursing facility. Which will employ many people. Solo Cup employed an additional 68 people after earlier in the year laying off 100 people. West Farm added 27 people. Davisco hired 10 workers on Monday. Hamilton Manufacturing is hiring 30 additional workers, but they may have a power problem if prices increase?

Teton Wireless is setting up Satellite to WiFi high speed Internet Networks with points throughout the area to help increase the clean industry companies to the area. Kodiak Northwest has got a new snow-removal innovation. And we found many interesting as heck micro market niche manufacturers such as; Golf Swing Aids, Spider Cultivator, Beet Pulp Cattle feed, Plastic Calf Cottages, Yo-yos (seriously, that’s where they make em’), Dome Awnings for homes, Fish Pumps, Basque Smoked Chorizo Sausage (and it is good too), Foam Boxes for Fish, Baler Twine, etc. So there are some strong niches that are helping the area. The Sea Food industry has had a bit of discounting due to the slowing in restaurants, but the Sushi is not any fresher lately. This has hurt the Fresh Trout industry, trout are in nearly all rivers and lakes in ID as well as those, which process the fish in the area. The Local Chamber of Commerce in Twin Falls had done a tremendous job in their recent Hot August Night non-profit fair, where they auctioned a Jeep off, as they profiled local businesses. The Chamber cares about local small businesses. Alamlgated Sugar is buying more 129,000 pound trucks. S and G Produce is Building Warehouses and expanding, over 10% of all the worlds sugar comes from Southern ID. Sugar Beets grow extremely well in ID, better than most anywhere. Gooding also gets in on the non-profit community efforts with events such as the huge “Spuds Festivals.” Wendell and Jerome has had much growth along I-84 than the towns like Buhl, Filer, Castleford, Hagerman.

One issue hurting the region is the Beef import Taxes by the Japanese and things might get tough and they are worried about Mad Cow if it comes to the US. We Japan to knock that off right now and possibly increase tariffs on something they sell us. Meanwhile lots of debate on the WTO issues of genetically modified crops. Super Corn is a good deal for the world. These issues with genetically modified foods and possibly modifying wild weeds into killer weeds is not a good debate since we are talking about corn, not mountain grown Sun Flowers, Pumpkins, Squash, Blue Berries, Cranberry which is grown near native vegetations. We are not talking about rice. They are already growing it all over the world anyway. And we have already modified crops of all types by cross breeding, same thing just slower in number of generations. Hell we modify people the same way by our own “Melting Pot.” Mixing Asian, Hispanic and Middle Easterners in Los Angeles? What’s the difference, Arthur C Clark predicts in his book “3001” we will all be looking quite Asian, which is probably correct seeing as this is how things are going with 3.5 Billion Chinese? The EU and 15 nations are developing criteria and it will probably be where people or consumers have a choice and we will see what they buy? Guaranteed genetically modified will win, people like full fresh looking vegetables and fruit. These issues are putting things in Southern ID at a wait and see point and causing issues with capitalization.

Even so Twin Falls area has had a net gain in jobs, which are non-agriculture. 3750 people went back to work and 3440 lost their jobs in 2003 net gain of 210. It is a slow go, but things are picking up. The increase is mostly due to growth and construction, most of which is box stores in the Twin Falls and the new home construction in Jerome and Gooding. In Pocatello the steel plant laid off 40 people and we are seeing this throughout the North West; Steel Plant Closes in OR.

We are noticing some good downtown renovation on Main street in Twin Falls. On the “Messer Block” they won an award for dedication to Historic preservation. As you know we are excited to see downtown areas revitalize and bring people back to the community and a place to talk and the attitude of hometown meetings seems to be done in conversations with locals and therefore more power to the people and more reasonable and less linear decision making like in the suburbs.

There is a bit of a drug problem there which ranges from 18-40 and has to do with Crystal Meth. But they seem to have a handle on it with a new drug court program to get people o break the addictions, which seems to be working and gets people back to work. Fairly good success rate and better than prisons which is also a big employer outside of Boise area. 86% of the people in that program where between 21-40 and were there for substance abuses with Meth. Others include Weed, LSD, Heroin, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Ecstasy and three time drunk drivers. One person interviewed by the local newspaper said he had a construction job and was back on the right track. Downtown Twin Falls is a bummer to navigate if you are new to the area because if you are looking for a location on Second and Second Street, it could be one of seven corners? Ouch. Even the older locals laughed when the city council wanted to therefore change all the names after the founding fathers of the town and current city leadership? Typical. Either way it is a tough deal, luckily the diagonal streets are not in abundance. Twin Falls has 64,000 population, Jerome 18,400, Gooding 14,000. .

Many cities such as Burley, Burl and others in the area have a zero or negative growth rate. Twin Falls 1.9%, Jerome 1%, Gooding hard to say, guessing 1.6%. The jobs in the area seem to be Retail, services, Farm and Ag and then Professional in that order. White people make up 89%, and the population is just slightly older than in Nampa or Boise and more similar to Lewiston and Pocatello; 45-65 age groups make up 20.9% of population. We also found Carl’s Pressure Washing Supplies in Idaho Falls a superb vendor for assistance and a Landa Steam Cleaner Dealer also.

As far as tourism the Falls are worth seeing and draw in some 530,000 visitors to stay for the day and spend money each year. The major employers we found were The Sugar company with 425 people and growing (literally), Circle A Construction 325, Clear Springs foods 430, Dell 700, Independent Meat 216, Glandia Foods 430, Jerome Cheese 150, Lamb Weston 850, Magic Valley Medical Center 1115, Seastrom Manufacturing 170, Seneca Foods 200, Spears 275, Solo Cup 115. All in all the area has the employment base to drive a strong middle class as this economy continues its climb to a rebounding and strong pounding recovery.

Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005   Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005   Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005   

Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005

Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries. Mike BuRec said recently that even if this winter has a snow pack of 20 feet we will not be back to normal levels. American Falls is at only 14% capacity. Palisades is at 12% and Jackson Lake is at 65%, but remember fires take water too. Water in the rivers and reservoirs is important for many reasons, and realize that 2/3 of all fresh trout worldwide come from Magic Valley South Central Idaho and Snake River. The Shoshone Falls are 212 feet high,


higher than Niagara Falls and has often been called the Niagara Falls of the West. If water situations get too bad and not adequate snow pack in 03-04. We had heard of talk from David McAlindin of the City of Twin Falls Economic Development Dept.

that he felt comfortable that the water situation is safe and supply good for businesses. They are working hard to help diversify the industries and recruit non-agriculture, cleaner industries. The region grows all kinds of important food items. Sugar Beets, Potatoes, Dairy, Alphalfa, Sheep, Beef, Hay, Grain, Wine, Beans, Wheat, barley, Sweet Corn, Grass Seed, Oats. They need the water. The supply is said to be better than was predicted or feared and that there is more than enough for summer, but this leaves little to spare in case of a mild winter.

The water supply contains arsenic, from natural erosion and also from previous chip manufacturing, Barium, Chromium, Fluoride and Nitrate from excessive fertilizer run off. These are at present levels not in violation, but the NPDES permitting is going into harsher BMPs and enforcement and has caused a few companies, which do food processing to be unable to get permits, costing future jobs; Glandia Foods, Inc. in Gooding.

The local Senators are working on Ethanol to help out and that initiative could be great for ID. McDonalds has been hit by economy and adverse PR from that Bull shit law suit in Canada about people getting fat from eating at Mickey Ds. Recently McDonalds has also called for lessening of Antibiotics, steroids and other growth hormones, which is a little bit of an issue for farmers, since right now with the Beef, Mad Cow, moratorium in Canada some of those cattle come from ID as well as the milk and ID is a huge Dairy State in the Southern area. Learn about the importance of the Dairy industry in the US and in Southern ID;

[] .

Also hurt by the economy and fewer people going out to eat at QSRs, Restaurants are Kraft Foods, McCain Foods (125 people laid off), J.R. Simplot, which closed the Heyburn potato plant and laid off another 50 people at another processing plant. These companies collectively laying off a total of 600 people in the region. Also blamed are the war in Iraq and lessened travel. Paper is a big water user also and Boise Cascade has had other issues with economic issues. Dairy is up about 6-10% over the last year why? Could it be the increase in Starbucks (6000 plus locations) and the crème and milk in the Frappachinos using milk? Yes some is. Also of worry is the NM Case law regarding the minnows and Rio Grande and Heron reservoir, such an issue with low water levels in Idaho would be the same as the Sarbain Oxley issues in the Corporate World, it would be catastrophic for agriculture in South Central Idaho. But all in all things have been good and have had a net gain even with the bad news. Dell has hired 700 people in nine months in Twin Falls. Also hiring have been Home Depot. We talked to a fiber optic multi-plex line installer who could not seem to get a job in his profession and therefore Home Depot gave him a lower level job at $12.00 per hour.

A waste of brain capacity no doubt but certainly enough to live with the cost of living in Twin Falls which is low due to power and water prices really inexpensive. Twin Falls, Jerome and Gooding had substantial growth in housing. One thing that may hurt the area is the move to try to get seniors out of their cars. Elderly are super worried about losing their drivers licensing, it can be a traumatic experience rivaling a lost loved one, meaning their freedom is gone, some would rather just die, it is that serious as I have discussed with many seasoned seniors. They will not be moving into the Gooding Golf Course areas if this persists. But the area is growing. A few of the outskirt cities are not fairing as well. Burley had a recent “Crazy Days” and Regatta Jet Boat Races, which is a good tourist draw to help locals, non-profits and retailers. All in all we saw a lot of good stuff; ISU-Idaho State University is putting in a 50K dollar nursing facility. Which will employ many people. Solo Cup employed an additional 68 people after earlier in the year laying off 100 people. West Farm added 27 people. Davisco hired 10 workers on Monday. Hamilton Manufacturing is hiring 30 additional workers, but they may have a power problem if prices increase?

Teton Wireless is setting up Satellite to WiFi high speed Internet Networks with points throughout the area to help increase the clean industry companies to the area. Kodiak Northwest has got a new snow-removal innovation. And we found many interesting as heck micro market niche manufacturers such as; Golf Swing Aids, Spider Cultivator, Beet Pulp Cattle feed, Plastic Calf Cottages, Yo-yos (seriously, that’s where they make em’), Dome Awnings for homes, Fish Pumps, Basque Smoked Chorizo Sausage (and it is good too), Foam Boxes for Fish, Baler Twine, etc. So there are some strong niches that are helping the area. The Sea Food industry has had a bit of discounting due to the slowing in restaurants, but the Sushi is not any fresher lately. This has hurt the Fresh Trout industry, trout are in nearly all rivers and lakes in ID as well as those, which process the fish in the area. The Local Chamber of Commerce in Twin Falls had done a tremendous job in their recent Hot August Night non-profit fair, where they auctioned a Jeep off, as they profiled local businesses. The Chamber cares about local small businesses. Alamlgated Sugar is buying more 129,000 pound trucks. S and G Produce is Building Warehouses and expanding, over 10% of all the worlds sugar comes from Southern ID. Sugar Beets grow extremely well in ID, better than most anywhere. Gooding also gets in on the non-profit community efforts with events such as the huge “Spuds Festivals.” Wendell and Jerome has had much growth along I-84 than the towns like Buhl, Filer, Castleford, Hagerman.

One issue hurting the region is the Beef import Taxes by the Japanese and things might get tough and they are worried about Mad Cow if it comes to the US. We Japan to knock that off right now and possibly increase tariffs on something they sell us. Meanwhile lots of debate on the WTO issues of genetically modified crops. Super Corn is a good deal for the world. These issues with genetically modified foods and possibly modifying wild weeds into killer weeds is not a good debate since we are talking about corn, not mountain grown Sun Flowers, Pumpkins, Squash, Blue Berries, Cranberry which is grown near native vegetations. We are not talking about rice. They are already growing it all over the world anyway. And we have already modified crops of all types by cross breeding, same thing just slower in number of generations. Hell we modify people the same way by our own “Melting Pot.” Mixing Asian, Hispanic and Middle Easterners in Los Angeles? What’s the difference, Arthur C Clark predicts in his book “3001” we will all be looking quite Asian, which is probably correct seeing as this is how things are going with 3.5 Billion Chinese? The EU and 15 nations are developing criteria and it will probably be where people or consumers have a choice and we will see what they buy? Guaranteed genetically modified will win, people like full fresh looking vegetables and fruit. These issues are putting things in Southern ID at a wait and see point and causing issues with capitalization.

Even so Twin Falls area has had a net gain in jobs, which are non-agriculture. 3750 people went back to work and 3440 lost their jobs in 2003 net gain of 210. It is a slow go, but things are picking up. The increase is mostly due to growth and construction, most of which is box stores in the Twin Falls and the new home construction in Jerome and Gooding. In Pocatello the steel plant laid off 40 people and we are seeing this throughout the North West; Steel Plant Closes in OR.

We are noticing some good downtown renovation on Main street in Twin Falls. On the “Messer Block” they won an award for dedication to Historic preservation. As you know we are excited to see downtown areas revitalize and bring people back to the community and a place to talk and the attitude of hometown meetings seems to be done in conversations with locals and therefore more power to the people and more reasonable and less linear decision making like in the suburbs.

There is a bit of a drug problem there which ranges from 18-40 and has to do with Crystal Meth. But they seem to have a handle on it with a new drug court program to get people o break the addictions, which seems to be working and gets people back to work. Fairly good success rate and better than prisons which is also a big employer outside of Boise area. 86% of the people in that program where between 21-40 and were there for substance abuses with Meth. Others include Weed, LSD, Heroin, Mushrooms, Cocaine, Ecstasy and three time drunk drivers. One person interviewed by the local newspaper said he had a construction job and was back on the right track. Downtown Twin Falls is a bummer to navigate if you are new to the area because if you are looking for a location on Second and Second Street, it could be one of seven corners? Ouch. Even the older locals laughed when the city council wanted to therefore change all the names after the founding fathers of the town and current city leadership? Typical. Either way it is a tough deal, luckily the diagonal streets are not in abundance. Twin Falls has 64,000 population, Jerome 18,400, Gooding 14,000. .

Many cities such as Burley, Burl and others in the area have a zero or negative growth rate. Twin Falls 1.9%, Jerome 1%, Gooding hard to say, guessing 1.6%. The jobs in the area seem to be Retail, services, Farm and Ag and then Professional in that order. White people make up 89%, and the population is just slightly older than in Nampa or Boise and more similar to Lewiston and Pocatello; 45-65 age groups make up 20.9% of population. We also found Carl’s Pressure Washing Supplies in Idaho Falls a superb vendor for assistance and a Landa Steam Cleaner Dealer also.

As far as tourism the Falls are worth seeing and draw in some 530,000 visitors to stay for the day and spend money each year. The major employers we found were The Sugar company with 425 people and growing (literally), Circle A Construction 325, Clear Springs foods 430, Dell 700, Independent Meat 216, Glandia Foods 430, Jerome Cheese 150, Lamb Weston 850, Magic Valley Medical Center 1115, Seastrom Manufacturing 170, Seneca Foods 200, Spears 275, Solo Cup 115. All in all the area has the employment base to drive a strong middle class as this economy continues its climb to a rebounding and strong pounding recovery.

Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005   Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005   Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005   

About the Basic Saudi Arabia Laws

Saudi Arabia Laws are categorised in nine chapters which includes eighty-three articles. That is really a supplement for sharia and cannot override the Islamic laws. An informal committee within the internal ministry was given the task to draft the basic law and the Human Rights Watch has accused of them violating human rights.

During the 1700s, there was the integration of political and religious organizations, Muhammad bin Saud along with Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab to form one governing body. Saudi Arabia government reserves several clergy jobs that include preaching and judgeships. The Islamic clergy like sheikhs and muftis who dominated the legal positions in Saudi Arabia took advantage of the Basic Law as well as the Quran, sunnah, hadith and Islamic jurisprudence, all of which is associated with sharia.

About the Basic Saudi Arabia Laws

1. General Principles: This includes Article 1 which declares that God's Book as well as the Sunnah of His Prophet will be the constitution of the country; Riyadh is the capital and Arabic was the official language.

2. Monarchy: The rights of Monarch are outlined in Article 7. There is also Article 8 which states that equality, justice and consultation must be as stated by Shari'ah.

3. Aspects of the Saudi Family, with Article 9 stating that the members of every family must be brought up on the foundation of the Islamic faith.

4. Economic Principles, with Article 18 of Saudi Arabia laws guarding the private property of people. Article 21 includes alms tax.

5. Duties and Rights with Article 27 creating a system for social security making the country a welfare state. This has become achievable without high taxes and expropriation because of the significant supplies of oil as well as a population with less than thirty million.

6. Authorities of the State with Islam as the building block of governance. According to Article 45, it is stated that religious rulings should be in agreement with Prophet Sunna and the Holy Qur'an. As a result, a group of Islamic clergy as well as research group will be established. In accordance with Article 55, a king must rule based on the Islam rulings and must manage the use of Shari'ah. Next, there is Article 56 which is stating that the king is also the prime minister. Article 57 outlines clearly that the cabinet as well as other officials with lower ranking should follow Islam. Individuals who deviate can be punished or dismissed. Articles 60 to 62 state that the king is the chief commander who is rendered with powers with regards to war, as well as the country's national security.

7. Financial Affairs, with Article 71 specifying that revenue will be entered and then spent based on rules of statutes. According to Article 70, this was to be published on a regular basis within the Official Gazette.

8. Control Bodies

9. eneral Provisions, which is the final chapter of Saudi Arabia has Article 82 stating clearly that any short-term state of emergency in the course of turmoil should not violate the Sunnah and the Quran, which is outlined in Article 7.

There are other resources online to get information if you want to know more about the Saudi Arabia Laws you may get from here.

Why Getting A DWI Is So Bad   Bankruptcy Is Unfair To Creditors   The Need for a Personal Injury Attorney   Privacy and the Freedom of Information Act   Separation Agreement: Why Do a Financial Separation Agreement Before Going to a Solicitor?   Judicial Council Forms Hold Clues To California Procedural Questions   

Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?

Many individuals struggle to understand what disability insurance covers. There are two basic forms of disability insurance, short-term and long-term disability. Short-term as its name implies is for a short period of time usually less than a year. Group short-term disability is more prevalent in the work place than long-term. One of the failures that individuals make is assuming that their policy covers 100% of their income. The policy usually covers up to 66 2/3%, it may be only be 50% for 13 weeks only. (Check your employee handbook) Uncle Sam allows you to get the benefit tax free, but you cannot get more in benefit than your pre-tax salary. It is very important that people read their employee benefits carefully.

The two main definitions used to define if benefits under a disability insurance policy are paid include own occupation and any occupation. Own occupation disability means you are unable to perform the substantial duties of your current position in a nutshell. Any occupation includes the duties of a job that you have been trained for through education, training, or experience.

Individual disability policies cover a percentage of your income based on your occupation, the hazard of your responsibilities, and your income. The elimination periods for disability policies usually range from 30-365 days. If you become sick or disabled, exceed the elimination period, and become certified by a physician as unable to work, you may receive a tax free benefit except in rare cases (your employer pays for the policy). The policy is coordinated with any group disability benefits you may be receiving as well as Social Security Disability Insurance if you qualify.

Things to consider when thinking about Disability Insurance:

Can I get sick?

Do accidents occur?

Can I afford to self-fund?

Can I live off my savings?

Does my coverage at work cover short-term & long-term disability?

Disability Insurance For The Long Term   Disability Insurance in Depth   Do I Really need Disability Insurance Coverage?   Disability Insurance in Depth   

Everything That You Need to Know About Travel Insurance for Pensioners

Pensioners love to travel, but sometimes they are hindered by concerns about travel insurance. Fortunately, travel insurance companies have introduced insurance for pensioners that offer insurance cover for pensioners who are traveling.

With this insurance for pensioners, they can rest easy that any unexpected situations they encountered during their travel will be covered by the company. There are also several types of insurance cover offered for pensioners, such as single trip, multi-trip, medical insurance and trip cancellation or interruption.

For pensioners who travel frequently, the multi-trip travel insurance is ideal for them because it will save them money while those who don't should obtain the single trip coverage.

All pensioners who will be traveling should need a foolproof medical insurance because it is very important to these groups of people. Other types of insurance cover for pensioners include trip cancellation or interruption insurance; baggage loss and delay coverage, flight delay or cancellation insurance and travel document protection.

Trip cancellation or interruption insurance offers coverage if the traveler has to cancel or interrupt his/her trip. Specifically, it will offer coverage for injury, illness or death that is suffered by the insured or any member of his/her immediate family. Baggage loss and delay coverage will protect the traveler if his/her personal belongings are either lost, stolen or delayed. This even offers cash payment if the bags are delayed for more than 12 hours.

Meanwhile, flight delay or travel delay will pay for your accommodations, meals and new travel arrangements if your flight is delayed or cancelled.

Travel document protection offers coverage if your passport or travel documents are lost or stolen for some reason.

With the information offered here, I'm sure pensioners will be able to choose the right cover for their travel insurance for pensioners. Also, pensioners should not worry about the cost because you can obtain affordable insurance policies.

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Travel Insurance   Annual Travel Insurance - Things to Consider Before Arranging Coverage   Basic Plan Vs Annual Travel Insurance   What a Traveler Needs to Know About Backpacker Insurance   

Buyer Beware: Insurance Salvage Flood Vehicles

With the recent hurricanes in the southern United States the number of flood vehicles entering the market has skyrocketed. Many of these vehicles have been declared as salvage by insurance companies who have paid off the original owner of the car under a claim. There are steps you can take to protect yourself from buying these salvaged vehicles that have extensive water damage.

Many people may not realize they have bought a flooded car until they take it to get insured. They then find out that their agent can't even issue them an insurance rate quote because of the salvage title on the vehicle. Since used cars are usually sold "as is" there is very little recourse the buyer has at this point other than to try and get the vehicle road-worthy and go through a length inspection process with the state motor vehicle bureau that is required for a vehicle with a salvaged title.

So how can you protect yourself from buying such a car? One of the easiest ways is to obtain a vehicle history report from a firm like CARFAX which tracks flooded vehicles and other types of damage. You can also do some detective work yourself on the vehicle if you have doubts. Look inside the engine compartment and see if there are any tell-tale water mark signs that might indicate high water levels. Next, check under carpeting to see if there is mold or any presence of water staining. Finally, inspect the electrical system thoroughly. This is where most water problems show up first as electricity and water are not exactly the best of friends.

You can protect yourself from purchasing a flooded vehicle by being a diligent consumer. If you suspect a car or truck has been water damaged just walk away from the deal.

Buyer Beware: Insurance Salvage Flood Vehicles   Buildings Insurance and the Threat of Floods   Buildings Insurance and the Threat of Floods   

Why Would I Need Medicare Supplemental Insurance?

Medicare is not 100 percent coverage of all your medical care. There are "gaps" in the coverage that Medicare supplemental insurance plans are designed to fill. That's why supplemental Medicare insurance is also called "Medigap" insurance.

Basic Medicare coverage - what the insurance folks call original Medicare - provides coverage of most medically necessary hospital bills and doctor's fees for participating providers, up to about 80 percent. And therein lies the first big gap: the 20 percent you have to pay.

Medicare also does not cover vision, dental and hearing care. There is no coverage for routine checkups. Nor are outpatient prescription drugs covered. You also won't find long-term care included. Now Medicare is beginning to look more like a sieve than a safety net.

This isn't to say that Medicare coverage can't be a financial lifesaver. It can. But the things Medicare doesn't cover can add up pretty quickly if illness strikes.

But let's talk about what Medicare does before going too far into what it doesn't do. First, who's eligible? That's easy. You are eligible for Medicare if you are:

• 65 years old or better and eligible to receive Social Security • Disabled • Receiving dialysis or awaiting a transplant for permanent kidney failure (end-stage renal disease, ESRD)

Original Medicare consists of a Part A and a Part B. These should not be confused with Medicare supplemental insurance Plan A and Plan B. These Medicare supplemental insurance plans are designed to help fill the gaps in Medicare Part A and Part B.

Original Medicare Part A covers most hospital bills as well as hospice care. Original Medicare Part B handles doctor's fees, medical equipment, diagnostics, outpatient care and certain kinds of rehabilitation. But there are important limitations. For example, inpatient hospital care coverage won't last forever, and once the original Medicare coverage runs out, you're on your own.

There are some other caveats, as well. For instance, although the majority of doctors in the U.S. accept Medicare payments, yours might not. In that case, your doctor can charge up to 15 percent more than the Medicare-approved amount. This charge is on top of the 20 percent coinsurance plus any deductible or co-pay. It can get expensive.

Remember, all Medicare supplemental insurance plans are the same in most states. However, their cost can vary significantly from insurance provider to insurance provider. It's important to shop around, and the process can be made much easier and less frustrating with a little expert advice.

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Simple Steps To Choose The Ideal CMS For Your Website

Using a CMS for regularly updating your website is a wise decision however with the range of options available in the market it at times becomes difficult to pick the ideal one that will work for you. Before making a decision it is very important for you to note that every CMS comes with its own distinctive features and benefits. Taking time out and getting to know about each one is essential. When it comes to the options available you will find thet there are so many for you to opt for in the form of Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Textpattern, Radiant, ExpressionEngine, TYPOlight, SilverStripe and Frog. These are just a few names there are others in the market that last but not the least have excellent features just like their above mentioned counterparts.

The CMS you choose makes a huge difference to your website. Before you zero down on the options available it is very important for you to consider the scope and types of projects the CMS will handle for you. There is nothing in the market like the "BEST CMS" or a CMS that will meet and match all your requirements perfectly. For determining the right CMS for your needs it is important for you to know the scope, nature and type of project as well as the budget you have to spend. This is an important factor to consider. Without sufficient money you will not be able to kick start the development of your website.

Now the million dollar question arises and that is how will you choose the ideal CMS that will make a big difference to your company? There are many people who are often confused and they require an easy guide to help them identify the best options available for them.

Below are some simple and easy steps that will aid you to select the right CMS for your company-

Ø You first need to access the present scenario and check what the present technology set offers you. In case you are looking for regular changes of your website designer and finding it hard to remove or add desired content you should go in for a CMS that provides you fast changes.

Ø Another contributing factor is the magnitude of the company and the decision of its representatives. The collective decision of these representatives has to be taken account in order to arrive at a decision that will suit the purpose of the company well.

Ø The objectives as well as the risks of the company require to be ascertained in order to arrive at the right decision.

Ø The time taken for updating of the content also needs to be taken into consideration. In case there is scope for improvement it is very important for you know how to do it. There are some provisions you must check on the CMS and they are the existence of a provision to correct mistakes on the website, scope for redesigning the website and more. There are frequent instances where owners of the business feel that there sites require some improvement. If you choose the wrong CMS for improvements you may suffer from certain setbacks.

Once you have successfully identified the CMS that will work for your business the next step is to successfully integrate it into your company. In this way it will cater to your requirements. With the help of an ideal CMS you can work intuitively. This means an average user will easily understand how to use the system without several instructions. A good CMS will have a clear standardization of the backend that is generally in place for every section. The CMS also requires being logical and well-organized too.

Last but not least you should always remember that the ideal CMS will provide you with loads of functionality. There is no use of picking such a CMS up if you do not have any idea or intention of how to use those features. This is why it is recommended that you look for those features you look out for to use.

The major selling point of any CMS is the ease with which non-technical people can use it. A good CMS will be simple to understand and you do not have to be a web designer or developer to use it. The end user of any good CMS will not be tech savvy. He/she is capable of making the required changes to the website. This CMS option gives you creative control and permits you to get all the features you wish to opt for. Besides the above the ideal CMS will provide you with documentation and support you need. So, when you are opting for one it is important you go in for a CMS that has all the plausible features you need. In this way it will work the best for you and your website.

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How to Make Your First Product Launch a Success - A Step-by-Step Guide

Launching a product successfully on the internet can be difficult. Depending on the niche that you're targeting for your product, competition can be fierce. Regardless, there are certain steps that you should take to ensure that your product launch is a successful one.

The first step in the process is market research. It's important to know what your market needs and is looking for. Usually there is some sort of need or problem that people have in a niche market. A successful product is one that helps alleviate that problem and makes their lives easier.

Once you've done the market research, you need to put a plan of action into place. Plan every single step of your launch from beginning to end. You want to be prepared as much as possible to ensure a smooth and successful launch.

A pre-launch would be a good idea at this point. You want to get as much feedback from others as possible to know what they like and don't like about the product. Gathering testimonies is a good idea. You can use these testimonies on your website when it's time for the actual launch to take place and your product is available to everyone.

Now that you have feedback on your product and have maybe tweaked it a bit, you want to find partners to help promote your product. The best way to get a lot of exposure for your product is to contact the big names in your niche that will help spread the word about your launch. At this point you'll have a launch date set and have marketing materials handy for your partners to help promote the launch and your product.

The only thing left to do is wait for the official launch of your product. Once your product is launched, you'll want to track sales and see where your customer's are coming from to help better your marketing efforts. Keep promoting your product, and with the help of your partners, you should have a quite successful product launch.

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Zero Friction Marketing - Learn to Ease the Marketing Hassle

Zero Friction Marketing is going to be the hottest thing to hit the Clickbank marketplace in a while. It is way outside the scope of most the make money online products and because of that will probably have the biggest impact on what happens in the next 6 months in the industry.

Saj P has outdone himself with this fabulous product. With the affiliate market becoming increasingly more competitive. That is why it is time for a change. With the more savvy buyers hanging on for the best affiliate bonus you are definitely not going to be able to compete with the Gurus who have all this stuff to give away. So what is your next option?

You guessed it. Lets remove the friction from our marketing and get rid of the hassle of actually trying to make a sale. Have you ever been stuck with a huge AdWords bill and no sales to cover it? Then its time to move to CPA. Cost per action is one of the greatest things to an online marketer since we don't have to make a sale with CPA.

If you are new to online marketing you still might not grasp what CPA is so let me explain it in some more depth. This is simply put when you get paid for someone taking an action. These actions vary depending on the company you have signed up with. The majority of the actions consist of, entering their name, have them sign up for a free trial, download a video, collect a zip code, or maybe fill out a form. The actions aren't limited to those but that is what they consist of for the mass majority of the programs.

You can get access to a lot of these networks by signing up at clickbooth, but don't go there yet you still have to learn what to do with these programs to successfully turn them into leads

Product Launch Tips - 3 Powerful Methods to Drive a Stampede of Visitors to Your Product   What's the Secret of a Successful Internet Business Product?   How to Do a Proper Product Launch   There Advanced Product Launch Secrets That Will Sell Products Like Crazy   Product Launch Tree - Are You Just a Few Tweaks Away From Earning an Extra 456% in Profits?   

Why Getting A DWI Is So Bad

Do you know of anybody that has gotten a DWI? The reason I ask this is because most of the people that get a DWI are scared for life. The reason most of the people are scared for life is because they are now categorized as a risk for future employers, they have a higher possibility to drink and drive again, the insurance payments will go up, and there is even a possibility that their credit will get ruined by this senseless act.

Something that you need to realize is that in order to get a blood alcohol level above.08 you will need to consumer quite a bit of alcohol. If you are a person that likes to drink then you don't have to quit, you can simply monitor how much you drink and always have a designated driver there to take you home. Too many people don't understand what a DWI will do to the rest of their life and that is why you have to read the rest of this article. Just know that there are a bunch of disadvantages to getting a DWI and all of them will scare you for life if you are not careful.

Another disadvantage of getting a DWI is that your driver's license will most likely be taken away or suspended until you can prove to the courts that you are capable or driving again without drinking. Some of the problems that people have with proving to the state that they won't drink and drive again is they normally have to go through drivers training and an alcohol abuse program which will normally take around 4 months to complete.

Advice On Dealing With A DWI

Hire an attorney - The very first thing you should do if you get a DWI is you need to hire an attorney to help you through the entire process. Something that you don't want to do is get a free public defender because they are not going to push that hard to help you win the case, you are pretty much stuck with what they give you.

Don't stress out - If you have a court date then the one thing you do not want to do is stress out over it. The reason why you don't want to stress out and why you should never bring up your stress level in front of the judge is because studies show that the number 1 thing people do when they are stressed is drink and that will only make the judge more concerned.

Be extremely serious - I should not have to say this but many people don't realize that a DWI is a very serious matter. Take everything serious even if you think that you didn't do much wrong.

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Print Customized Funeral Stationery On-Demand

If you're like most funeral directors, you've known the frustration of using pre-printed funeral stationery. Re-orders need to be managed and timed perfectly so that you wouldn't run out of a particular selection. To add to the issue, suppliers required minimum orders, which meant large, expensive outlays. Managing the inventory, repetitively inputting the deceased's information for each piece of stationery, and controlling costs consumed large blocks of time. What a nightmare!

A better option is print on-demand funeral stationery. With funeral stationery software, a funeral professional has the ability to use blank stock and create a completely customized, complete line of personalized stationery. Simply select which type of stationery to be printed, choose a theme from the hundreds available, enter the appropriate information, and then enter the number you wish to print.

Hundreds of background themes are supplied on the software to reflect hobbies, professions, military or community service, and religious preferences. Adding photographs, custom messages and obituaries completely personalize the stationery. Once designed and printed, each custom piece of stationery is well-coordinated with each other. The theme carries through the entire service and can even be used as the background for a DVD video tribute, intro and ending of a funeral webcast and on a funeral keepsake, such as a funeral candle.

With print on-demand funeral stationery software, you can also print the exact number of prayer cards, or funeral programs needed. If more guests arrive at the memorial service than planned for, printing a few extra funeral programs or other stationery is no problem at all. Just open the funeral software program put the blank paper in the printer and hit the print button. Print on-demand gives the funeral director total control.

In today's world, it's critical to provide your client families with the latest options available in terms of technology and services. Families have other choices for where they purchase their funeral stationery; some even decide to do it themselves. By providing them with a highly customized and complete funeral stationery package at an affordable price - their decision is easier and they are more pleased with the service you offer.

Client families expect to see a variety of stationery and they expect to get exactly what they want. With funeral software and guided templates, you can offer them exactly what they need. Stay competitive in the market and elevate your funeral home to the top echelon of service with funeral stationery software that lets you provide the service your client families deserve and expect.

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Online Funerals for Those Who Cannot Attend a Funeral Service

Online funerals are a perfect way to allow friends and family members who cannot attend a funeral service to feel that they are a part of the life celebration. They also can help alleviate any feelings of guilt for simply not being at the funeral. Likewise, client families gain a sense of relief knowing that all those who loved the deceased are able to join in and witness the last event to be held for the loved one who has slipped into death.

There are many reasons that can impede someone from being able to attend a funeral service for a loved one. Military personnel deployed overseas, work commitments that cannot be changed, weddings and other long-planned events are just a few of the numerous explanations that prevent funeral attendance.

Being unable to be present for a loved one's final sendoff can have deleterious consequences for both the absent mourner as well as the bereaved family. Deep feelings of guilt and regret can trouble the person who can't attend. Feelings of anger and resentment, along with a feeling that the departed was not cared for can trouble the client family. However, with amazing technology that broadcasts an online funeral across the globe, everyone the family designates can attend a funeral online.

In order for you to offer this service to your community, you will of course need funeral software that allows you to manage this process. With a simple video package which includes a tripod, HD camera, wireless microphone and a USB capture device you can be up and running in a matter of minutes.

In addition to being a convenient offering in its own right, the best funeral webcasting software includes live and delayed streaming capabilities. This feature enables the viewer to attend the funeral service live, or enable them to watch it later at a more suitable time. Global distribution that includes many servers that simultaneously stream the event ensure that it can be viewed from almost anywhere the internet reaches.

When you think about it, there seems to be no good reason to prevent you from supplying this service. Why risk losing potential business when the funeral home down the street begins to offer the latest technology? After all, an online funeral benefits everyone - you and your funeral home, the friends and family who cannot attend, as well as the family who is sending off their loved one.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Probate   Important Things To Consider When Deciding On A Burial Package For Your Deceased   Important Things To Consider When Deciding On A Burial Package For Your Deceased   

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